As of January 1, 2024, there are 4 tracking stations located in Greene County TN
AA4BS-1 is located on Greystone Mountain at 3300 FT ASL. The station consists of a Shuttle PC loaded with Debian Bookworm and 2 Nooelec V5 SDR’s. Antenna is a 6 db gain co-linear. AA4BS-1 requires filtering supplied by a 403 mhz SAW filter with Nooelec FM notch filter and Nooelec preamp. A nearby FM radio station transmitter degrades performance of this station.
N4DWH is located near Moshiem TN. The station consists of a Le Potato loaded with Raspbian Bullseye and a single Nooelec V5 SDR. Antenna is a 6 db gain co-linear
N4FV-1 is located on Little Bald Mountain at 4600 ft ASL. The station consists of a Shuttle PC loaded with Debian Bookworm and a single Orange R860 that has a built in preamp. There is a 403 mhz SAW filter in line. Antenna is a 6 db gain co-linear uhf.
N4FV-2 is located on West Barton Ridge Road in Greeneville at 1600 ft ASL. The station consists of a repurposed Shuttle multi-media player dual core PC running Debian Bullseye. There are 4 Nooelec V5 SDR’s at this site. A 403 mhz SAW filter feeds a Nooelec preamp and the signal is then routed into a 4 way splitter. The antenna is a 10 db fiberglass vertical.
AA4BS-1, N4FV-1, and N4FV-2 are all on the same LAN and fed through microwave links.