John’s CB Radio Exposure

Recently one of my friends asked if I had any old cb’s lying around as he wanted to borrow a mobile CB and antenna from me to see what CB radio was all about.  After a few weeks he returned it and left a note for me about what he had been listening to.


During the day all I heard was a bunch of clowns hollering, making noise, and boasting they can “walk” on someone.  They brag about how much power they are running.  They seemed more intent on broadcasting nonsense to the world than actually talking to each other.  These clowns appeared to be from all over the USA with different stations coming in as the time of day changed.  At night things calmed down a lot more and there were some channels where people were engaged in talking to each other.  Some used colorful names of objects, animals, and other items, others just used numbers to identify themselves.

Some must have been a bunch of sex perverts because they kept talking about how much swing they had.  They also talked about their moj  (spelling?) that rhymes with the first part of Roger.  Their MOJO? Speaking of Roger, I think almost all the males were named Roger, as they would sound like they were asking Roger to answer them at the end of their transmissions.  The females must be called Rog-e or Rog-o as sometimes they would ask for those names.  Almost always a male answered so maybe it designates a gay male also?

Anyway, back to the moj. I don’t have a clue but some would ask how it sounded and the response was always sounding good.  It’s a good thing their moj was sounding good because most of their transmissions sounded horrible.   Fuzzy sounding audio, kids and TV blaring in the background, and all kinds of background noise got good reports.  I’m still trying to figure out why you would tell someone that sounded so bad that they sounded good.  After a few weeks I decided I had listened enough and ready to go back to my easy listening local FM station. I left this idiotic noise box on your porch although you said I could have it and didn’t have to return it.  Maybe someone else can put it to use.
